baRu2 niE aRi jumaat, apRi| 3, kt0RanG (zed, lan, am, ong, pek, hanif and me) tg0k wayanG fast & fuRi0us 4.. 0veRa||, this m0viE was awEs0mE, i l0vEd it..cann0t wait t0 seE it aGain..pl0t n j|n cRitE was gReat..I'|| Rate this m0viE 4.5 staR..
m0viE ReviEw;
Vin DiesE| (d0m) and Pau| Wa|keR (bRian) RetEam f0R the u|timatE chapteR of the fRanchisE bui|t 0n speed; Fast & Furious. HeadinG back t0 the stREets wheRe it a|| beGan, thEy Rej0in Miche||e RodriGuez and JoRdana BRewsteR t0 b|ast musc|e, tuneR and ex0tic caRs acR0ss L0s Ange|es and f|00r thR0ugh the Mexican deseRt in the nEw hiGh-0ctane acti0n-thRi||er. When a cRime bRinGs thEm back t0 L.A., fuGitive ex-c0n D0m T0Rett0 (Diesel) reiGnites his fEud with aGent Brian O'C0nner (Wa|ker). But as thEy aRe f0RcEd t0 c0nfR0nt a shaRed enEmy, D0m and BRian must Give in t0 an unceRtain nEw tRust if thEy h0pe t0 0utmanuEveR him. And fR0m c0nv0y hEists t0 pREcisi0n tunnEl cRaw|s acR0ss intERnati0na| |inEs, tw0 mEn wi|| find the bEst way t0 get RevEnge: push the |imits 0f what's p0ssib|e bEhind the whEe|..
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di pawaGam sEkaRanG..!!!
m0viE ReviEw;
Vin DiesE| (d0m) and Pau| Wa|keR (bRian) RetEam f0R the u|timatE chapteR of the fRanchisE bui|t 0n speed; Fast & Furious. HeadinG back t0 the stREets wheRe it a|| beGan, thEy Rej0in Miche||e RodriGuez and JoRdana BRewsteR t0 b|ast musc|e, tuneR and ex0tic caRs acR0ss L0s Ange|es and f|00r thR0ugh the Mexican deseRt in the nEw hiGh-0ctane acti0n-thRi||er. When a cRime bRinGs thEm back t0 L.A., fuGitive ex-c0n D0m T0Rett0 (Diesel) reiGnites his fEud with aGent Brian O'C0nner (Wa|ker). But as thEy aRe f0RcEd t0 c0nfR0nt a shaRed enEmy, D0m and BRian must Give in t0 an unceRtain nEw tRust if thEy h0pe t0 0utmanuEveR him. And fR0m c0nv0y hEists t0 pREcisi0n tunnEl cRaw|s acR0ss intERnati0na| |inEs, tw0 mEn wi|| find the bEst way t0 get RevEnge: push the |imits 0f what's p0ssib|e bEhind the whEe|..
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di pawaGam sEkaRanG..!!!
zed diesel paling mantap lakonannya..hehhehe